What is a difference between Numlex and Numlex Lite?Numlex is a complex platform for MNP and FNP implementation in countries with population over 10 Million habitants.
What is the main difference between SaaS and Standalone implementation?When you have the possibility to use your network infrastructure and servers for the MNP, you should choose Standalone implementation. You will get NUMLEX Lite software, a license to use it commercially and a warranty for the code. If you don’t have your own servers, and don’t have any budget for investment, we suggest that you choose the SaaS (Software as a Service) option in order to avail of our services. No upfront fees. You can start whenever you are ready and stop at any time. No obligations!
Who can trial your solution?The solution is open to be trialed by any telecommunications operator, regulatory institution, or any other institution/company, which according to national regulation can be involved in the number portability process.
I have a NUMLEX Lite Program membership card. What does it mean for me? Where can I use Member ID and how?NUMLEX Lite Program membership allows you to avail of up to 3 months testing period free of charge. Before taking up this option, you must confirm your participation in the program. If you don’t yet have a membership card, you can apply for it by sending email to this address –
[email protected]. NUMLEX Lite Program membership allows you to get up to 8 hours of voice consultation on the program itself and the use of the trial platform.
Do I need to receive some training to install your solution?No. As a member of NUMLEX Lite Program you will get access to an installation guide with complete step-by-step instructions for fast manual installation. You can also avail of 8 hours of online consultation given to each Program member. If you want to get more hours for consultation or would like to participate in an extended training program don’t hesitate to contact our sales representatives.
I am an operator. Can I get a trial access your solution?Yes, you can get access for one month by contacting our sales team or you can apply for a 3-month Numlex Lite Program membership.
We have tried your solution and want to start integration with the operators. What are the next steps?If you are ready to proceed with our solution, you should sign the NUMLEX Lite testing agreement and we will give you access to a platform dedicated to your country only. You can use it for as long as you want and at any time you can decide to use it commercially. The price for the testing period is 2000 Euro a month. Each month you will get a license key to enable the system. When you decide to use it commercially, you will need to sign a one-year license and warranty agreement. In case of SaaS an additional amendment for support and maintenance needs to be signed.
What is included in the price for SaaS commercial use?The price for SaaS commercial version includes a 1-year license for NUMLEX Lite commercial use, a 1-year warranty and 1-year hosting services. It also includes 40 hours of online consultations and access to second-level support. By default, only two main processes will be defined – Number porting process and process for number return.
What is included in the price for Standalone version commercial use?The price for Standalone commercial version includes a 1-year license for NUMLEX Lite commercial use and a 1-year warranty. It also includes 40 hours of online consultations and access to second-level support. This price doesn’t include any costs related to hosting services.
Can I have more functionality than is included in the base configuration?Yes, you can have Extensions (Add-ons), which extends the default functionality of NUMLEX Lite. You can also choose more services, which are not included by default.
Can we invite your experts to give a presentation of the product?Yes, our experts are ready to do such presentations remotely or to go to your country.